Reservations Management

manage your reservations how you want to ... online

Confirm, cancel, and update reservations however makes the most sense for your vacation rental business. We know that ownershandle their reservations several ways, and so OwnerPlus provides you a lot of flexibility manage your reservations.

You can decide to provide vacationers the convenience of automatically reserving a property (with dates/pricing) online from your website, or from the www.myBlueChipRentals.com website, or other listing site (that you've linked to). But there are three pricing and reservation modes available in the OwnerPlus system, and it's completely your choice which one(s) to use or not use. They include: 1) Static Pricing 2) Online Pricing 3) Online Reservations.

  1. In the Static Pricing mode you set-up a general set of prices in text form that are displayed on myBlueChipRentals to the vacationer. The vacationer must contact you for a price for a specific vacation home or to reserve the property.
  2. In the Online Pricing mode you set up a set of pricing rules that define pricing for any period of time. The vacationer can then automatically price a vacation online using these rules but must contact you for a reservation.
  3. In the Online Reservations mode the vacationer can price a vacation using your online pricing rules and create a PRELIMINARY reservation online using this price. You are then responsible for CONFIRMING or CANCELLING the reservation. The vacationer is automatically notified that all online reservations are preliminary and cancelable by the owner at any point prior to Confirmation. You can also choose to accept vacationer credit cards online if you want.

But of course OwnerPlus does a lot more to help you manage your reservations. You can also:

Receive email notifications of inquiries/reservations
Review vacationers (BEFORE a confirmation)
Create and send custom contracts automatically
Create and send custom invoices, automatically
Manage Check-ins/Check-outs
Track payments
Add/update payments
Send automated Reminders per your To-Do list